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          Hi Darleen, my name is John H. and I emailed you back in December of 2010 about my Lab's seizures. He was five years old at the time and had two or three seizures a year since he was about three. I was very upset having to watch my dog go through even one seizure, I can't even relate what it would be like going through that everyday. I took your email and followed it word for word.

I am happy to say that my dog has never had another seizure since I changed his diet. He is now eating Newman's Own dry food mixed with different recipes I have developed from your email. I thought it was about time I wrote and thank you for taking the time to give me the information that changed my dogs life. Gus is 9 years old now and still weighs what he did at 1 year old. He is still as active as he was as a puppy. If Gus could I know he would be writing this note himself. Once again, I would like to thank you for your time and some life changing information.
Have a Wonderful Day,
John & Gus H.


            Hi Darleen,

I thought you might be interested in how my Yorkie has been doing since our consultation.  Her seizure's have been very infrequent after the first year on the program. It also helps that I'm a stay at home yorkie mom and if I'm not with her my husband is.

I want to thank you for your help and have even recommended to my vet that she check website out as she has a dog that has severe seizures and she is giving him the phenobarbital and the potassium bromide, she says that these drugs have had side effects and her dog is exhibiting these side effects.  I hope she takes my recommendation and contacts you.



          Before I found you, my sweet cat, Big Momma, was suffering badly. Throwing up, horrible diarrhea and losing weight rapidly. I had taken her to different vets, spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars and they couldn't tell me a thing. I was ready to have her put down to alleviate her suffering but decided to see what I could find out through my own investigating online. This led me to your website and Darlene. She helped me with diagnosing Big Momma's condition and suggesting what supplements and care I should try. I followed her direction and used the wonderful supplements (which, by the way, are inexpensive and all natural! Big Momma didn't have a any adverse reactions to any of them!) My sweet kitty is now on the road to recovery. Slowly but surely she is making a comeback. I can't say enough about the care that both me and my cat have received! I just wish I had found you sooner! Thanks Darlene! I will be eternally grateful!

Gail L. -- Pennsylvania


          Writing this testimonial on my experiences with owner Darleen seems the least I could do for all the sound advice and help shes given me and my year and a half old Chocolate Lab, Mason. A little over a week after Mason was neutered he started to develop Grand mal Seizures, having anywhere from 1-3 a week. It was pretty tough to watch and when we brought him to the Vet he was given an array of tests, which he said all came back normal. He then started to have more seizures and sometimes 3 a day and was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy, basically epilepsy with no known cause.
     My vet said the only thing he could do was to prescribe Phenobarbital and if that doesn’t work, some really expensive and strong anti-convulsing medicine. The Phenobarbital made him constipated, hyper, excessively hungry and thirsty and worst of all he continued to have just as many seizures. The only response from my vet was to increase the dosage of Phenobarbital, because he wasn’t at the maximum dose yet. I looked at a “holistic” vet, but he certainly wasn’t one and overcharged for the most basic tests.
     Through a google search I came across Darleen Rudnick. I was a little apprehensive to pay for the full consultation with Darleen because I thought, “if I am paying so much for a vet, how can someone over the phone help me?” I was completely wrong. The first thing she told me was to keep a seizure log, which surprisingly no other vet had recommended before. It allowed me to monitor what things may trigger his seizures, the time of day, what he was doing etc. She gave me recommendations on what food to give him, when to eat, his treats, what everyday household items he should avoid. But most importantly I received constant feedback which I never got from my vet.
  I have dealt with three different vets that have seen Mason for his seizure issue and none of them have handled it with the logic and expertise that Darleen has. The "take this pill and call me next week" approach is not how she handles him. Together we figured out things that may work for him and things we need to cut back on. The herbs and vitamins she recommended have helped Mason cut down his seizures significantly and when he does have seizures they’re not as intense as they were before. My only regret is that I didn’t get to speak to Darleen before I put Mason on the Phenobarbital. But through Darleen’s help we will slowly start to wean him off. The most important thing she has done for me is reduce the stress in our home. With a 5 month old baby girl, studying for promotional exams, the regular responsibility of a dog, and the constant trips to the vet with occasional hospitalization I was fearful that taking care of Mason would be too much from me. But Darleen has given us hope, where our vets couldn’t. There are things we can do for Mason besides drugging him up. I can’t thank her enough.

Carlos L. -- New York


          I cannot thank Darleen enough! My two year-old poodle started to have seizures a couple of months apart. They gradually occurred more and more frequently until he was having about one a week and his vet was ready to put him on meds. I desperately searched the web for alternatives and came across Darleen. Between the awesome testimonials and Darleen's personal assistance, I was sold and decided to try it. Since her recommendations, he's had one seizure in 5 months! His entire vet's office is completely floored and I'm so happy that my little buddy can now live a high quality life (and I can sleep better too).

Christina C.


          I had a golden retriever that lived for 16 years. She had seizures and by some luck I found Darleen. I never put her on seizure medicine but bought the powder that Darleen recommended.  It helped her seizures. It did not cure them, but she did not have the side effects that I felt the pharmaceutical medicines would have had. She lived a long and active life and brought us so much happiness. I know that would not have happened If I had not found Darleen.  This was unsolicited. Enjoy your best friends!



          Hi! Just wanted to give you an update. Coco has been seizure free for 6 months now since she has been taking her supplements. She is a much calmer dog overall. She has been staying with me for a month now in Michigan while my girl friend is away for work. She has experienced a lot of situations that normally would trigger her to have a seizure, like excitement around other animals or places. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to write to me and checking up. I also have a 7 year old German Shepherd pure bred that I wanted to start supplementing his dry food but dont know what I should get for him. He has been overall a very healthy dog. He is Cocos buddy and they get along very well. 
Thank you again!
Joel -- Michigan


          I would like to thank you for the list of pet food you emailed me. The list allowed me to research further into some pet food companies and what is actually in their pet food. With the help of your list, I was able to receive a 95% on my final English page for my college class.  The paper was to persuade the reader to pay closer attention to what is in their pet food.  I found out about your website while searching the internet about pet food ratings.
Thank again,
A. McConnell


          My mixed breed Charley started having seizures about 3 years ago (he's 8 now). I was ready to put him on Pheno but found Darleen Rudnick. I immediately put him on a very holistic food, natural treats, and ordered the products your recommended. Before the consultation, he was having seizures at least monthly or more (especially when we would go out of town he would have them when we came back) and now he's only had maybe five in the last 3 years. He may always have them to some extent, but if I can at least lessen the frequency with natural ingredients that's better than drugging him. I think these products and Darleen's advise have been a wonderful thing for my Charley. He's also a very nervous and skitsy dog and this has toned that down alot.
Thanks Darleen!!!


          Because of the products your recommended, my cat has not had any seizures for over a year. I brought her in to the vet because right out of the blue , (right after she was given three immunizations from the vet), my young cat started having severe seizures which would last for several seconds and loose complete control.  She would have seizures at the top of stairs at times and seizure all the way down before I could get to her. Her seizures had started in July and lasted about  3-4 months. The vet said toxins or tumor...

I believed it was due to the shots...they put some liquid up her nose this last time. Anyway, I researched seizures in cats and then because I am homeopathic in my own care, I thought I would search a natural remedy for my kitty. I luckily found your services and after a consultation, noticed a difference. Her seizures completely stopped right before I even finished the entire bag of supplements. She has been seizure free since that time and she doesn't take anything to stay that way. She is a healthy and happy kitty.   Thank you so much for caring to make healthful and natural supplements for our most cherished pets.  You have wonderful natural products that do not mask the problem.  Thank YOU!



          I have never been so impressed in my life by the products that I have bought through Darleen. My handsome baby boy Franky had incredibly high liver values, I purchased some products and got some great advice on diet change from Darleen. His liver values are now in normal range, no longer triple what they should be!!! Now my 15 year old handsome pup is doing much better. My other dog, Babygirl, had become incontinent. She would have accidents all day everyday, it was very sad because I could tell she was just as surprised as me when she would get up and would be soaking wet from urinating on herself. After consulting with Darleen she rarely has an accident at all, seems like a miracle! I'm glad I did not go with the vets suggestion of Proin, considering all the horrific side affects.  I have become much more aware of the good and bad things to give my dogs through the help and advice of Darleen. Thanks!

Heather P


          I want to thank you so much for helping me take charge of my dog’s health.  When we got Layla ( a Yellow Lab/Hound rescue dog), she was having seizures once or twice every 4-5 weeks; maybe more when nobody was home to witness.  I was just about to put Layla on Phenobarbital when I discovered you via web search.  You gave me very sound advice about how to approach the problem.  We changed her food and eliminated several things from the environment per your recommendation.  Layla has been seizure free for 4 ½  months now. My family is so thankful to you for giving us a real alternative to drugging our beloved Layla !!  I have seen what Phenobarbital did to my neighbor’s dog and it’s not pretty.

Thanks so much Darleen !!

B. Lakner -- Ohio


          Hello Darleen,

The vet just called me with Goldie's labs. Her T4 has been stabilized to 2.5 with 30 days of Soloxine.  He wants to continue her on Soloxine and recheck labs in 6 months. No episodes of seizures since she has been on meds!! God Bless you, you saved my girls life.
Zaida M. -- California


          I am so grateful to you! My dog is doing much better and tomorrow I am going to a new Neurologist.  The Keppra dose is way too high. I have written to a DVM who is doing studies w/ Keppra and he has confirmed that the dose is usually half what she is taking. THANKS TO YOU FOR POINTING THAT OUT TO ME!!!  Everything you have told me so far has HELPED IMMENSELY. I am very grateful for your help and am hoping to get her off the Keppra.  It has been my gut feeling all along that the seizures are related to my dog's GI system but until now , I have had no success in finding a solution for that. I think her stomach is getting better and she seems a lot happier thanks to you.

I. Sharp, Los Angleles, CA


          Dear Darleen,

Since being diagnosed with pancreatitis a year ago, Fred has had bouts of pain, vomiting and diarrhea.  The last bout four months ago, convinced me that there must be a solution to his discomfort.  I did some research on line and came up with your Site. He is not only more lively, energetic and romping around. BUT the blood work done recently shows his pancreatic numbers to be exactly where they should be.  My Vet said, "Good Job". Terrific , Darleen. He is healthy other than the odd appearance of pancreatitis.  And now I can look  forward to Frederic's future health and longevity.

Thank you,
--C. Lucas, Portland, OR


          I want to thank Ms. Darleen for all the help she gave me dealing with my miniature schnauzer, Nikki. Nikki started having seizures in January 2010. I took him to many doctors, clinics and emergency rooms. His meds were changed many times and he wasn't improving. I found your website and contacted Ms. Darleen. She was the most helpful person I have ever dealt with. She was so nice and gave me a lot of good advise. I lost my doggy, but still I really believe that Ms. Darleen helped me to have him a bit longer. Thank you so much. I am very grateful for all the help.


--Dalia H., Concord, NC


          Dear Ms. Rudnick,

It's been almost one year now since the worst of our dog's symptoms. Last March, I remember showing him to our veterinary friends and they only gave us the common prognosis of his need for even further antibiotics and steroids. He was only a year old and had spent his first year terribly sick and on drugs and was only getting worse!


We found your website on January 30, 2007, and scheduled a consultation. We had begun him on a version of the BARF diet (best I could come up with living in Chile) the week before. After providing you a list of everything we were doing and considering, you refined our list and counseled us on a program to follow. That program restored our dog to us!


Since about April (2 months on the program) he had grown his hair back, his skin cleared up, no more infections, never has had fleas or ticks since, has a healthy appetite, runs with us every morning and weighs a good 90 lbs! I waited till now to write you the testimony to confirm that his new found health was a sure thing. It is.


Thank you! It's a joy to have our dog back and to know that we could deal with his health issues the natural way. Please feel free to use any or all of our emails for testimony purposes. We recommend your counsel to anyone who wants to treat their pet naturally.

--Kristine & Joseph B., and Bale Chile, South America


          Hello Darleen...

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for your kindness in answering my letter and your vast knowledge that you shared with me. I am starting Taz on this diet and praying each and every moment that I can keep him with me a little bit longer. I deeply appreciate your help and may God Bless and watch over you and the Angels lift you up always.

--T. LaForge


          Dear Darleen:

Just a note to say "Thanks" for all that you have done for Gracie. When you started helping address her health problems (epilepsy, pancreatitis symptoms, bladder stones, and gravely declining health), our family had resigned ourselves to the painful resolve of being prepared to let her go. But we found you and now that she is on the supplements and homemade diet you suggested, she is 100% better! I want you to know that you have saved her life. Thank you for your patience and time given in walking me through her new regimen and dosage levels, sharing your knowledge and advise, and especially for the hope you have given to our family. It looks like we are on the road to recovery!



          Darleen -

I wanted to send you a huge thanks for helping with Ajax's seizures. He's been seizure free since (8/2/01) he's gone on a homecooked diet and started taking the supplements. I could not be happier over the results at this time.

Dave C. - AlleyCat Software


          Hi all...

I wanted to thank Darleen for her recommendations. My 3 yr. old Labrador, Popper has had several seizures, however, since starting her on the program, she has not only NOT had any seizures, but her fearfulness and shyness are decreasing.

I am a dog trainer and also a veterinary technician. Popper comes to work with me at the clinic and then goes to my training center at night to help me socialize the puppies in my class. She has always been very fearful and "barky" at people at the clinic, though she is excellent at her job as puppy socializer. In the last month, she has been bravier and is going around the desk to visit, exhibiting less and less signs of fear. Today, she actually walked down the hall, knowing there were clients in rooms and actually greeted and "schmoozed" with someone in a room who was waiting for her Labrador to come back from X-rays.

So, I couldn't be more pleased with her progress and again, am so very thankful for such a wonderful product, as I believe it has been a definite contribution to the change in behavior. I am also very thankful, of course, for no more seizures!

Karla M.

The Pawsitive Dog, Inc.

Home of the "Dog In Training" Vests

East Peoria, IL 61611 (309) 699-6935

Member APDT (Assn. of Pet Dog Trainers)



Thanks for asking. Willie is like a puppy. His eyes are bright and his coat is so much softer. He hasn't had any seizures! Your products have improved his life tremendously. The glorious thing about it is that Willie is drug free!

--Eileen F., F., TN


          Hi Darleen-

Just a teeny bit of background: our dog started last spring with what we thought was an eye infection, but turned out to be allergies. His only symptom is itchy eyes. Your suggestions have made a great deal of difference. His eyes are much less puffy and inflamed and the hair and pigment are starting to come back. I think he may be going through some d'tox as the yeast is dying; he has a little discharge and irritation at the inner corners of his eyes that wasn't there before. But there is a pretty significant improvement in his comfort level. We have been keeping an Elizabethan collar on him to keep him from rubbing his eyes and lately have been able to take it off without him gouging his eyes out.


--Jess R., D., FL



I have a Yorkie, and she is about 10 years old. She was having seizures twice a week, and I thought we were going to lose her. I had taken my dog to the vet, and they wanted to put her on a depressant drug to soften the seizures. I did not like that option too much because it would make the dog less active, etc.


          I was lucky enough to have a co-worker have the same problem with his dog (seizures). He told me about Darleen, so I sent her an email to ask her advice. Part of the problem with my dog was she was not getting the right nutrition and vitamins. I was just going to the store and buying her dog food and not looking to see what was in it. After seeing all the dyes and additives that were in the dog food, I asked Darleen what she would suggest.  Currently the dog has not had a seizure in over 4 months!!! I would recommend her advice...She cares a lot...and truly loves animals!!!.

--Bradley B., Cincinnati, OH


          Dear Darleen,

Every day I thank God that I found you when I did, but today is a special day because it is Thanksgiving and I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all the help you have given me & Ginger. She says thank you and so do I. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Talk to you soon.

Ginger is doing wonderful and I just can't believe it!

--Donna C., Library, PA


          Bogie had been bothered by idiopathic seizures for almost 3 years. His seizures occurred anywhere from every 2-3 months to as frequently as 2 in one week. I took him to several specialists as well as my own vet who, along with the specialists, admitted there was very little known about seizures that were not epileptic in nature. After months of internet research, I spoke with a Darlene. Since starting the new regimen, he has gone 9 months without a seizure and is an extremely happy dog. Admittedly, it was me who wasn't happy with the seizures, so I should restate that now I am a happy dog owner once again!! I undoubtedly owe a huge thank you. You have my gratitude for life and I have and will continue to recommend you to friends and colleagues.

--Gale M., Springfield, VA


          Hi Darleen,

Thank you for your e-mail of June 29th regarding how our Maltese "Kama" was doing. He has not had any seizures since we started your recommendations. We are very happy and satisfied with the results thus far. As we say in Hawaii "Mahalo" (Thank you) for your help and concern for our "Kama". We will be in touch with you periodically I'm sure.


--Stephen & Sharon B., H., Hawaii


          My eldest dog first became incontinent at night about 2 years ago. I took her to the vet and found out that she had an infection. After that was cleared up, her incontinence improved some but not totally.  She would do good for a month then have a few bad days. Gradually the bad days became everyday! Again to the vet and no problems could be found. I did not want to use drugs either, so I looked into herbs. Your recommendations have worked very well. 

--Kristin F., Wytheville, VA



Daisy hasn't been coming upstairs with us at night, it just got to be too much for her. Last night she came up and again this AM she came up while I showered. I looked at her this AM and her face has lost the swollen, droopy look. I am SO pleased with 

Thanks again,

--Donna G., P., OH



Yes, Buster is still seizure-free. As each day passes, I am more and more convinced that he is not epileptic. We haven't completely weaned him off of the Pheno yet, but his levels are very low compared to what the vet says he should be at. He's on a good diet, with lots of vegetables and it seems that he's very happy. I can't thank you enough for enlightening me! By the way, I referred the website to a friend's sister, whose dog has recently seizured for the first time, and recommended looking you up. I'm not sure if she did, but I am sure that if she has, she would be completely satisfied with the response. Thanks again - I am so touched by your concern.

--Antonella M., W., PA

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The information provided on this website has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or prescription for any disease. Please consult your veterinarian for advice. Products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.

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