In-Home Pet Consultation
If you are interested in an in-home pet consultation and assessment simply click on “Book a Consultation” and fill out the form. Our on-staff Pet Nutritionist will email back the same day.
Prior to the visit, the pet nutritionist will email you an comprehensive evaluation form which will include information regarding your pet’s health history, current diet, environment and lifestyle. Based on the evaluation, the pet nutritionist will write up a 10-20 page plan and bring it the day of the consultation.
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Review the personalized health and lifestyle plan developed. The pet nutritionist will answer any questions concerning the plan and adjust it as needed.
10:00-12:00 p.m.
Discussion about nutrition specific to your pet.
Shop for meals and ingredients and learn how to read and analyze labels.
Learn how to make simple, healthy homemade meals for your pet. We will discuss different proteins and carbohydrates you can use to prepare home meals.
12:00-12:30 p.m.
Discuss the supplementation plan.
Discuss in detail the life style changes that need to be made.
Discussion of reading material if desired
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Review safe options for outdoor environment and lawn treatment.
Review tick, flea, and heartworm medication choices.
Discuss natural, pet-safe products for cleaning and pest control.
Review meal time and supplement routine.
Prepare meal plan for coming weeks.
Review positive changes to look for in your pet.
1:30-2:00 p.m.
Answer questions and review plan.
In-Home Pet Consultation Includes:
In-home consultation
Review of your current feeding practices
Research on products you currently use
Instructions on how to read and understand pet food and treat nutrition labels
Pet food and treat recommendations and shopping assistance (cost of food not included)
Recipes and preparation assistance for 2 weeks of meals and treats (cost of food not included)
Supplement assessment and recommendations
Instruction on how to read and understand supplement labels
Lifestyle review and recommendations
Information and assessment of potential dangers in your pet’s environment
Information and recommendations for a safe, natural pet lifestyle
Information and recommendations of safe flea, tick, and heartworm products. shopping for safe products
Includes 5 future phone or email consultations
Full report covering evaluation and all recommendations (up to 20 pages)
Benefits to Natural Pet Care:
Your pet’s health will improve
Your pet’s behavior may improve
Your pet may live longer
Natural products are safer for your children and family
Label reading knowledge and natural products will save you money
You will be helping to protect the environment
Varies according to where you live. The most economical and reasonable means of transportation will be chosen. Half due upon reservation, balance due on the day of consultation.
Major discounts for those living in Virginia. Please email for rates.
Refund Policy:
If you need to cancel, a full refund will be given 10 days prior to the consultation. If I need to cancel, all costs will be fully reimbursed.